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tv   CNN Saturday Morning  CNN  May 11, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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i'm brianna keilar in cleveland, ohio. the man accused of holding three women hostage for almost a decade is now locked in a 9 by 9 foot cell. officials say tests of ariel castro's dna confirmed he is the father of that 6-year-old girl born to kidnapping survivor, amanda berry. meanwhi meanwhile, the lead prosecutor says he may charge castro with murder related to claims he starved and punched michelle knight to induce at least five miscarriages. this morning while relatives of berry and gina dejesus continue to celebrate their safe returns, knight's family doesn't know where she is. the 32-year-old woman has been released efrom the hospital, bu a family spokesman says police won't tell them where she went. let's go to cnn's victor blackwell for a look at other stories making news. new jersey police have been negotiating with a gunman who has taken three children hostage. now, this standoff has been going on for more than 13 hours. he barricaded himself in his
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home in trenton, and so far he is still communicating with police, but authorities say this started on friday. they're not sure why. and they also are not sure of the relationship the children have with this man holding them. we'll keep you updated as soon as we get more on this. police in mexico city are investigating the possible murder of malcolm x's grandson. they think that malcolm shabazz was badly beaten in a bar. he was in a hotel meeting with a recently deported leader of an activiv activiveist group. he was 29 years old. sandy hook elementary school should be demolished, and a new school should be built in its place. that's the unanimous recommendation from the sandy hook task force, saying that tearing it down will erase some of the emotional scars left behind after last year's mass shooting. 26 people were killed in the shooting in december. one world trade center is now officially the tallest
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building in the western hemisphere. that spire was installed on friday, and it made it the new record holder at 1,776 feet. of course, you get the 1776 reference. the chairman of the port authority called the building, quote, a national symbol of hope and strength in the face of tragedy. when the first of the twin towers was built in 1972, it was the world's tallest building. good to see that spire go up. let's go back now to cleveland and brianna keilar. brianna? >> thanks, victor. recovering from years of captivity. as we continue to learn details about those three women held against their will for nearly a decade, one can only imagine the mental and physical torture they endured and what it will take for them to put their lives back together. joining me now to talk about that, clinical psychologist. jeff, i want to start with you. when the other women broke free, the two women, gina dejesus and
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michelle knight stayed behind. some people may look at why did they do that? is what can you tell us about what's been going on? is >> what happened is amanda berry not only had to save herself but also had to save her daughter. there were two lives at stake as far as she was concerned. everyone has a different psychological makeup, a different personality. so she may have had that kind of personality where she had reached a breaking point and was willing to take the chance it go out. the other two are heroes, just like she is, and perhaps they may have been motivated, maybe a little more fearful where she was the one who was the catalyst who got them out and knew eventually they would follow her. >> before i turn to casey, jeff, i want to thank you about amanda berry's daughter because the difference here is we're talking
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about a child who's only known one reality, and that is living under these circumstances, unlike her mother and the other two women here. what kind of damage might she have experienced? and especially now we're learning that her father is indeed, according to dna evidence, the alleged kidnapper ariel castro. >> well, what we certainly can surmise is that this little girl saw a lot of the horrors that were taking place, never became part of society, had a very skewskew ed, aberrated view as to what her life would be, and certainly saw her mother and these other women being tortured. so at the critical moment of her maturation, she got to see the most horrific things. it will take time to get her into society, but also to try to get her to understand what normal relationships are all about. >> casey, can you talk to us a little bit about the suspect,
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ariel castro, and some of his behavior? it seems that he treated these women differently. he threatened michelle knight, allegedly, to ensure the birth of amanda's baby. there are reports that he beat her and caused multiple miscarriages. also, that he handled this 6-year-old girl as a daughter. there were trips outdoors into public. how unusual is it for kidnappers to bond with their victims, and is it unusual for them to treat multiple victims differently? >> let's point out we have almost no precedence for exactly this sort of situation. the bottom line is we've seen sexually motivated captors take captives before, but not so many at once and not for such a long duration. we don't have a whole lot to compare this to. it would appear that ariel castro had favorites. it flies in the face of the idea that he would make michelle knight save jocelyn when she was born by giving her mouth to mouth resuscitation while at the same time michelle knight reports that he starved her and beat her pregnancies until she
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miscarried. so why michelle not allowed to be pregnant, if that is indeed true, and why was amanda allowed to have a child? perhaps michelle, he'd grown tired of her. we know that he was replacing these girls almost once every three years he got a new girl. and you have to wonder, since he admits he had no exit plan, if he actually developed favorites. the stockholm syndrome that jeff is talking about appears to be most heavily experienced by, of course, gina and michelle, who didn't flee. but my concern, of course, is for that 6-year-old child. we know that, when she fled the house with her mother amanda, charles ramsey said that the little girl was asking for her father. so it's her psychological development that is probably going to be extremely challenged because she does think of her captor as her father. >> casey, when you look at something like this, when you look at this suspect, ariel castro, do you say there must be something in his past that would have prompted this kind of
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aberrant behavior? >> yes, a lot of focus in the last day or two has been on that so-called suicide note or diary, from almost 2004, almost nine years ago. he wrote extensively about his guilt and how consumed he was with the reality that he was a sexual predator. he didn't want it. he didn't like it, but he believed he was acted impulsively, compulsively and could not control it. this is where he wrote that he preferred to die, that if he died he would want his assets to actually go to the victims. showing some level of remorse, which again flies in the face of a theory of sociopathy. but at the same time, he says it comes from his early childhood sexual abuse. this is what we know about sexual sadists, that almost invariably they have horrible histories of abuse. part of what we walk away from, which in part away from disgust of the captor, how do they break the cycle? how do we encourage children to
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get the help they need so they don't continue the cycle and become abusers themselves? >> jeff, as we try to make some sort of sense of what was behind what happened here in this horrible captivity of these three women, talking to people here in cleveland, some of them have said to me they hope that these women, being that they are so young, that they can go on and have important moments in their life and really, i guess, recover from this horrible thing that they have been through. what do you think their healing process may be like? what might help when you're talking about these women and also this 6-year-old girl? >> well, certainly getting the individual therapy. family therapy is also going to be very helpful. i think their families are the key here. their families need to understand that these young women are experiencing post traumatic stress disorder, will have nightmares, will have flashbacks, intrusive thoughts,
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eating disorders possibly, sleeping issues, and we've seen situations where people in this position have been sleeping on the floor. they can't sleep in a bed. they have problems with trust. and, as casey talked about with the stockholm syndrome, that they may show some ambivalence around the captor instead of demanding death penalty, they may say, well, maybe he should live. so the family needs to understand it's not that these women have particularly strong feelings for this monster, it's just part of that psychological process where they have to be deprogrammed. certainly, he brainwashed them. they're young, yes. therefore, there's some resilience, but it's a double edged sword because they were taken at critical moments in their development, 14, 16, 19. so he had certainly a very horrific but strong impact on their psychological development, and we need to undo a lot of
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that and have the potential to grow a very strong personality and be more than survivors, but also be in many ways victors. >> they have a long road ahead, and we certainly hope that they do get those resources that you say they need. jeff gar deer and casey jordan, thank you guys for joining me. i really appreciate it. hail the size of baseballs pounding parts of texas, and you will not believe the incredible video of it. the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone but her... no. no! no. ...likes 50% more cash. but i don't give up easy... do you want 50% more cash? yes! yes?! ♪ [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? why? and we've hit the why phase...
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listen to this. this is hail. this is hail in pearsol, texas. some hail stones are the size of baseballs. this is big enough, it hits you in the head, it can knock you out. this is taken by tracy yanez from our affiliate ksat. this is hail in her backyard. the hail here doesn't look like it's falling. it really looks like it's being thrown into that l pooh. very dangerous and destructive. this storm ripped through the san antonio area and knocked out trees and caused some power outages. amazing video from texas. more storms, though, are brewing for this mother's day weekend, unfortunately, let's get to karen now in the cnn weather center with today's forecast. one, unbelievable what's happening in texas or what happened in texas. we're expecting some colder air. >> we've got colder air that's
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already in place. you won't believe how this is going to change as we go into the middle of the work week. still did see some very powerful storms even at this hour in the coastal sections of louisiana and texas. big thunderstorms firing up here, so much so they have seen localized flooding in places like beaumont and port arthur, extending towards brownsville and kingsville. this is an area that's seen such drought conditions over the last several years. so the rainfall is welcome, but when it comes all at one time, it can be devastating. look at the rainfall totals, between six and eight inches right around lake charles, also around houston, and headed up towards that northwestern corner of arkansas. the severe weather from the mid-atlantic from maryland to the myrtle beach, south carolina. you could see strong thunderstorms. back to back frontal systems. we'll keep the cold air in place
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across the midwest. as we go into mother's day weekend, look for temperatures in the southeast in the 70s. could see showers and storms coming up for boston. for the international space center, this is a whole different atmosphere we're talking about. an ammonia leak was detected on thursday. the crew wasn't in any danger, they looked and saw what looked to be snowflakes outside. that was the ammonia leaking hout into space. so right about 8:15 they're expected to do a spacewalk to fix it. they're saying they don't expect anything difficult to come of this. they want to get the problem fixed before it continues very much longer. it's part of the projection of electricity. back to you. >> karen, thanks. again, that's emergency spacewalk set to happen in less than 30 minutes at 8:15 eastern. of course, we'll show that to you when it happens. next we'll go back to cleveland and examine the legal consequences ariel castro may be facing, including the
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possibility of the death penalty for murder. >> this will be the 40 mega watt solar field. >> they told him he could never do it. >> it is a disruptive idea. >> he said someone's got to bring solar energy to this place, and i was like, please, not you. >> it will be the field with the best security in the whole world because we have two armies guarding it. >> joseph abramowitz and israel's next solar field on the next list. >> whatever he can envision, he can make it happen. if he can see it, he can do it. it's incredible. >> like a bulldog. he just put his teeth in something and doesn't give it up.
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olay ultra moisture body wash can with more moisturizers than seven bottles of the leading body wash. with ultra moisture your body wash is anything but basic soft, smooth skin with olay. we have breaking news, just in to cnn, the secret service is evacuating the west wing of the white house, that is, of course, where the president's oval office is. agents are stressing that this was done out of an abundance of caution as authorities investigate the source of smoke
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that they believe is coming out of a mechanical closet, so again, evacuation of the west wing. we don't actually know that this is necessarily something going on in the west wing. it could be part of the greater white house complex, but we will continue to monitor this story and wring you details as soon as they are available to us. meantime here in cleveland the ohio man accused of holding three women hostage for nearly a decade could face even more charges. ariel castro is already being held on $8 million bond on rape and kidnapping charges. the prosecutor may seek murder charges from castro stemming from allegations he forced miscarriages on the victims. cnn legal contributor paul callan joining me now. what do you think, paul? do you see murder charges being filed here, and if they are, do you think there is a chance for a successful case to be made? >> i think this is the most interesting question in the
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entire case, breanna. ohio is one of the few states that has a law that says if you force somebody to abort or you force a woman to have a miscarriage, the death of that fetus is murder, and under certain circumstances and those circumstances appear to be present in the fact pattern here, that can be an aggravated murder for which you can get the death penalty. the real issue though is how do you prove it? michelle knight may have been pregnant five times and miscarried five times how do you prove beyond a reasonable doubt she was pregnant because she wasn't formally diagnosed and how do you prove beyond a reasonable doubt she miscarried. the question that judges would look at ultimately is, is a woman's subjective belief she is pregnant sufficient as well as a woman's subjective belief that she has miscarried to prove
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beyond a reasonable doubt the death of a fetus. so very interesting question, but it raises the stakes enormously because instead of facing 11 years as he is on some of these kidnapping counts he'd be facing life in prison possibly without parole or the death penalty if prosecutors can sustain murder counts. >> let me ask you this, too, paul. he's facing kidnapping charges for obviously the three women but also the 6-year-old who dna tests confirm now is his daughter, will the kidnapping charge hold when it comes to the child? obviously it's heinous, but to the letter of the law would that be considered kidnapping, since she is his child even though she is conceived allegedly through rape? >> i think brianna, there will be a difficult road here for prosecutors to sustain that particular kidnapping charge. the question and it's really an astounding question when you
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consider is, does a rapist have parental rights with the child who was conceived through the rape? essentially his criminal conduct in kidnapping the women, imprisoning them and forcibly raping a woman has led to the birth of a child. does he have parental rights? there's been some debate about this throughout the united states, two-thirds of america's states have no laws about the issue if the rapist has rights when the child is born from the rape. could a judge look at this and say it's not written specifically in the statute but he shouldn't benefit from his crime, which in effect he would be by not facing the kidnapping charges. so i think you'll see an argument in court about it. in the end i suspect prosecutors will drop that particular kidnapping count. they've got a lot of other counts easier to prove and they're wrestling with the murder count which i think is
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meaning the most to the case because it could mean death for castro. lot of people would say the crime is sufficient to warrant it. >> it is an unprecedented crime and it is going to bring up a whole lot of legal questions that may not have been considered before. paul callan, thank you for breaking it down for us and thank you to everyone for starting your morning with us. we've got much more ahead on "cnn saturday morning," which starts right after a quick break. you make a great team. it's been that way since the day you met.
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good morning, everyone. i'm brianna keilar. you're watching our special
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edition of "cnn saturday morning," we are live in cleveland, ohio. 8:00 only the east coast, 5:00 out west and we're so glad you're up with us. all of the cleveland victims are out of the hospitals but michelle knight's family has yet to see her. new information on what ariel castro's dna revealed. jessica muhlenberg joins me live to shed light on what life looks like. an ammonia leak at the international space station is prompting an emergency space walk. we are minutes away from a live look at that mission. the cleveland man accused of holding three women captive for almost a decade is locked in a 9 x 9 foot cell. officials say tests


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